How to survive Black Friday 2017

Happy Black Friday y’all!

Before I begin I would like to wish to all my friends who work in retail:
May the force be with you. I hope you manage to return home unscathed.
To everyone else:
Enjoy your shopping and please be respectful towards staff and other customers.


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Avoid stepping on others or pushing them, and shouting. You are all shopping to grab bargains, but also because shopping is fun! Let’s keep it fun.

To avoid being overwhelmed, or taking too long in a shop you can make a list with the things you need to buy, so you don’t get distracted by deals on other products whilst shopping . Give yourself a time limit in each shop and a general budget for the day. If you’re paying by card, only do so at reputable shops and large chains. If you’re carrying a handbag, make sure it’s a cross body one and place it in front of you. Ensure your wallet is safe. If you do not carry a handbag, use an inner pocket if you’re wearing a coat, or front pocket on your jeans (but keep your hand in your pocket at ALL times).


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If you don’t like large crowds I’d suggest doing your shopping online, but remain vigilant and, aware of scammers. Black Friday is the time of the year when you’re the most vulnerable and less careful because you’re in a hurry to grab that offer.

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Please avoid making purchases from websites without https. Moreover, beware of dodgy emails and links. Do not open an email without thinking, and do not click on any links unless you’re 100% sure they’re legitimate. If you can use Paypal to pay it’s advisable to do so, as it’s safer than you trusting your card details to various websites. However, if you use Paypal check your purchases on the Paypal website instead of the emails you will receive, as there are scam Paypal emails going around, and you may not notice they’re fake if you’re in a hurry.

Stay safe and have fun!


(Featured Image Source:

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