Mysticismlover vs Lara Black

As a teenager, I was fascinated by the occult; I was also a very secretive and private person. The word mysticism encompasses both (and many more), which is why it was chosen as my alias when I first started using the Internet. Moreover, due to its Greek origin, it was a discreet ode to my heritage, being Greek myself. There’s a few different approaches to the etymology of the word (links at the end), with most being rather similar. Mysticism as a practice can be very versatile, personal and perplexed. It can be perceived as pure, sinister, theistic, non theistic, philosophical, personal, rational, irrational… Whether you see mysticism under a religious or spiritual light, or as related to the mysterious and obscure, or as something entirely different, it is a fascinating word which commands your attention.

As the years went by, I kept using Mysticismlover as my social media alias. My online presence is forever linked to it. As a creative, who engages in many different projects and a plethora of creative media, I also wanted to use an actual name, rather than ‘just’ a word. That’s when I started going by Lara Black. Black is the absence of colour; it is the night, chaos, the unknown, the abyss; it represents despair, sadness, suffering… It suits me as a person, as an artist, and it goes well with most of my writing. However, I wasn’t – and still, I am not – ready to give up on Mysticismlover entirely: it represents a part of me, my art and my history. I have been both Mysticismlover and Lara Black for over a decade now. I acknowledge that that can be confusing, and even frustrating to those following my creative endeavours.

I decided that I will keep using both, each for different expressions of my creativity. Mysticismlover is still the alias I predominantly use online, and the alias connected to my visual arts/media creations. Lara Black is who I sign as under my written pieces. In the past, there had been a crossover between Mysticismlover and Lara Black in all the art forms I’d been involved with. From now on, music and auditory media, in general, are going to be the only ones for which I intend on using Mysticismlover and Lara Black interchangeably, depending on the project/piece.

I may make my mind up one day, and choose one over the other for all my creative endeavours, but until I’m ready to put either of them to rest, they will both continue to accompany me on my creative adventures.

Ps. On Mysticism:,-See%20also%3A%20Christian&text=%22Mysticism%22%20is%20derived%20from%20the,induct%22%20and%20%22initiate%22.,knowledge%20of%20a%20god%2Dfigure

A Failure.

A poem I wrote today:

I'm a failure;

My life doesn't matter,
My future doesn't matter,
My present doesn't matter,
My dreams don't matter,
Ambitions and goals terrify me;

I'm a failure;

Lower your expectations of me,
Know I'll have no responsibilities,
I can't do commitment;

I'm a failure;

I am eternally paralysed and overwhelmed,
I can't function or 'perform',
'I don't know how to exist in this world;

I am a failure.

Put out the fire.

Here is my first poem for 2024, written moments ago.

I’m diving in again,

Engulfed in the flames of pain.

Sinister waters can’t stop the fire,

My darkness is too bright to ignore.

I beg you to stop,

Don’t feed the fire anymore!

The world isn’t listening;

The world doesn’t care.

More wood! more coal! gasoline.

What are you doing?

Make it stop!

Unfairness, disrespect, abuse.

P(rov)oke, and then p(rov)oke some more.


Bad actions equal bad reactions.

How can the flames be an exaggeration,

When you won’t leave her alone?

Random Thoughts 27

Depression is

forcing yourself to take a shower; yet, lacking the energy to lift the shower head to wash yourself. You stare at it crying, the overwhelming existential fatigue making even the smallest movement feel akin to climbing a mountain.

Anxiety is

a relentless assault on your mind, dissecting and scrutinizing every perceived ‘flaw’ and imperfection within yourself and your life. You can’t stop falling down the rabbit hole of negative thoughts. Your body becomes a vessel of suffering.

Random Thoughts 26

Today, London’s temperature has been reminiscent of Athens in late May or early June.

Warm days, slightly chilly nights.

What I miss the most about my hometown is strolls bathed in moonlight, breathing the city in, being an observer of the microcosm that late-night Athens is.

I don’t think I’ll ever love a city as much again, with such passion, such unbearable longing, such tenderness… And, at the same time, dreading visiting for too long, or becoming Athenian full-time again.

My feelings for Athens are as confusing and conflicting, as Athens itself is riddled with antithesis and contradictions:

Ancient and modern, wise and impulsive, pretty and ugly, resilient and clumsy.

That’s her core and her beauty.

Καληνύχτα Αθήνα μου.

International Women’s Day

(Image Source:

Today is International Women’s Day.

I won’t be wishing us Happy International Women’s Day, though. I’ll say stop discriminating against us, disrespecting/shaming/raping/murdering/abusing us, instead.

Oh, and a kind reminder that trans women are women.

Now that I got this out of the way, I want to talk about a specific quote I see people share every year on this day: “Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be with them. May we raise them.”

I find this quote highly problematic for the following reasons:

-Women shouldn’t have to be ‘strong’ to be appreciated and celebrated. The notion that we always have to be strong, to persevere and rise above puts us on the pedestal, which then ‘justifies’ unrealistic and unfair expectations of us. We’re not superheroes, we’re human beings. The expectation of ‘strength’ also makes it harder for us to feel comfortable asking for help when we need it, resulting in us suffering in silence or alone, which of course works in patriarchy’s favour. Because, as long as we keep our pain and suffering to ourselves, we don’t ‘disrupt’ and we’re isolated, the patriarchy can keep doing its job of oppressing and controlling women. And lastly, what has ‘strength’ or being ‘strong’ been associated with in our society – typically? Masculinity and men. Being vulnerable is mostly – typically – associated with femininity and women. I’m not going to analyse why these stereotypes are bullshit; but, I do want to ask this question: why is it that even on a day dedicated to women, we’re expected to act like men to be respected and celebrated? 

-All women and femmes should be celebrated on this day, regardless of their perceived ‘strength’ or lack of. Excluding a group of women/femmes from their own day is, well… Kind of anti-women.

I understand that many people sharing the quote do it with good intentions, and I appreciate those intentions. However, I’d like to invite you to consider the deeper meaning of what you share and its wider implications.

Για σένα.

I don’t usually write in Greek, but this poem felt right to be written in my native language. I wrote it just minutes ago. I will include a translation at some point; for now, I want it to exist in Greek only.


Εχθές η νύχτα με πλάκωσε, οι λέξεις με έπνιξαν

Τα μάτια σου σα δάση σε ομίχλη, επικίνδυνα

Ήθελα να βάλω τη ζωή μου σε κίνδυνο

Ήξερα. Ήξερα ότι δε συναντιόμαστε συναισθηματικά

Ρίσκαρα. Είναι σκληρή η ρουλέτα του αμφιλεγόμενου

Τώρα πρέπει να γλείψω τις πληγές μου

«Μη φεύγεις!» ήθελα να ουρλιάξω μέχρι να σκιστούν τα πνευμόνια μου

Ο σωματικός πόνος να πνίξει τον άλλο, που με έχει κατακλύσει

Αλλά δεν είχε νόημα. Είχες ήδη φύγει.

Δε θα προσπαθήσω ποτέ να περιορίσω τους ανθρώπους

Ήσουν ελεύθερος, είσαι ελεύθερος. Πάντα.

Κι εγώ; Εγώ βυθιζόμουν στην ανελευθερία του παράνομου, του κρυφού

Δεν άντεξα. Μοιράστηκα το είναι μου μαζί σου, κάθε αλήθεια, απ’την αρχή

Ίσως δεν έπρεπε. Μετανιώνω; Αλλά δεν ξέρω πώς να αγαπάω αλλιώς

Μου είπες να δείχνω αυτό που νιώθω· το εννοούσες υπό προϋποθέσεις;

Όλα αβέβαια, όλα τρομαχτικά, σα βουτιά αστροναύτη στο διάστημα

Φοβάμαι. Θέλω μία αγκαλιά (τη δική σου),

αλλά ξέρω πως από σήμερα όλα είναι διαφορετικά.